Client-Side EthQL Library Generator

Project Name

Client-Side EthQL Library Generator

Project Tagline/Description (140 Characters Max. Will be used on table card for judging)

Buidl JavaScript libraries that interact with contracts via EthQL without custom servers

Team Members. First and Last Names

Scott Street, Ryan Christoffersen ID for Each Team Member (we will use this to contact you and your team)

Scott - 0x04dde0f58253647e40db2008df0fcc5cbae10afa426fd15e00565ecb5e3edd6a3189c1be450f0b406e9a51f1a9b740b9869a30b232ac2694d2d7d6eacfce907163 Ryan - 0x04b6a985dfad67a11e5be0838c3502ddbe49052fd1e78fdc9b78d7bb811b4ba2e2f064dea6b04ef086072a6ad4c770bd23577decd338d2860c7697d8c90b6e4f56

Detailed Project Description (no more than 3-4 sentences)

Run a command to generate an apollo-client based library for interacting with EthQL which includes human friendly client-side handling of contracts.

buidl --contracts ./contracts --output ./build
  CryptoKitties {
    ownerOf(id: 1337) {

(NB: the join-like feature for getting info about the owner above is not quite implemented yet! But very much doable in more time)

Describe your tech stack (e.g., protocols, languages, API’s, etc.)

JavaScript throughout, generator uses ABI parser from Tailor, generated library uses apollo-client GraphQL library with SchemaLink middleware to intercept and transform queries - an entire GQL execution environment included!

Track for which you’re submitting (Open or Impact)


All Bounties Completed/Incorporated