Sending Ethereum Transactions with Rust

This tutorial walks you through the code required to send an Ethereum transaction within a Rust application.


We assume that you already have a Rust IDE available, and have a reasonable knowledge of Rust programming. We also assumes some basic knowledge of Ethereum and do not cover concepts such as the contents of an Ethereum transaction.

For more on any of these subjects, read the following:

Libraries Used

This tutorial uses the MIT licensed rust-web3 library. To use this library in your application, add it to the Cargo.toml file:

web3 = { git = "" }

You can then add the library to your crate:

extern crate web3;

Starting an Ethereum Node

We need access to a node that we can send transactions to. In this tutorial we use ganache-cli, which allows you to start a personal Ethereum network, with a number of unlocked and funded accounts.

Taken from the ganache-cli installation documentation, to install with npm, use the command:

npm install -g ganache-cli

or if you prefer to use Yarn:

yarn global add ganache-cli

Once installed, run the command below to start a private Ethereum test network:

ganache-cli -d

Note: The -d argument instructs ganache-cli to always start with the same accounts pre-populated with ETH. This is useful in the Raw Transaction section of this tutorial as we will know the private keys of these accounts.

Sending a Transaction from a Node-Managed Account

The easiest way to send a transaction is to rely on the connected Ethereum node to perform the transaction signing. This is generally a less secure approach, as it relies on the account being "unlocked" on the node.

Required Use Declarations

use web3::futures::Future;
use web3::types::{TransactionRequest, U256};

Connecting to the Node

let (_eloop, transport) = web3::transports::Http::new("http://localhost:8545").unwrap();

let web3 = web3::Web3::new(transport);

First we create a transport object used to connect to the node. In this example we connect via http, to localhost on port 8545, which is the default port for Ganache, and most, if not all Ethereum clients.

Note: An EventLoop is also returned, but that is out of the scope of this guide.

Next we construct a web3 object, passing in the previously created transport variable, and that's it! We have now have a connection to the Ethereum node!

Obtaining Account Details

Ganache-cli automatically unlocks a number of accounts and funds them with 100ETH, which is useful for testing. The accounts differ on every restart, so we need a way to programmatically get the account information:

let accounts = web3.eth().accounts().wait().unwrap();

The Eth namespace, obtained via web3.eth() contains many useful functions for interacting with the Ethereum node. Obtaining a list of managed accounts via accounts() is one of them. It returns an asynchronous future, so we wait for the task to complete (wait()), and get the result (unwrap()).

Sending the Transaction

We define the parameters of the transaction to send via a TransactionRequest structure:

let tx = TransactionRequest {
        from: accounts[0],
        to: Some(accounts[1]),
        gas: None,
        gas_price: None,
        value: Some(U256::from(10000)),
        data: None,
        nonce: None,
        condition: None

Most of the fields within this struct are optional, with sensible default values used if not manually specified. As we are sending a simple ETH transfer transaction, the data field is empty, and in this example we use the default gas and gas_price values. We also do not specify a nonce, as the rust-web3 library queries the Ethereum client for the latest nonce value by default. The condition is a rust-web3 specific field and allows you to delay sending the transaction until meeting a certain condition, such as reaching a specific block number for example.

Once the TransactionRequest is initiated, it's a one-liner to send the transaction:

let tx_hash = web3.eth().send_transaction(tx).wait().unwrap();

The TransactionRequest is passed to the send_transaction(..) function within the Eth namespace, which returns a Future that completes once the transaction has been broadcast to the network. On completion, the Promise returns the transaction hash Result, which we can then unwrap.

Putting it all Together...

extern crate web3;

use web3::futures::Future;
use web3::types::{TransactionRequest, U256};

fn main() {
    let (_eloop, transport) = web3::transports::Http::new("http://localhost:8545").unwrap();

    let web3 = web3::Web3::new(transport);
    let accounts = web3.eth().accounts().wait().unwrap();

    let balance_before = web3.eth().balance(accounts[1], None).wait().unwrap();

    let tx = TransactionRequest {
        from: accounts[0],
        to: Some(accounts[1]),
        gas: None,
        gas_price: None,
        value: Some(U256::from(10000)),
        data: None,
        nonce: None,
        condition: None

    let tx_hash = web3.eth().send_transaction(tx).wait().unwrap();

    let balance_after = web3.eth().balance(accounts[1], None).wait().unwrap();

    println!("TX Hash: {:?}", tx_hash);
    println!("Balance before: {}", balance_before);
    println!("Balance after: {}", balance_after);

We use the web3.eth().balance(..) function to obtain the balance of the recipient account before and after the transfer to prove that the transfer occured. Run this code, and you should see that the accounts[1] balance is 10000 wei greater after the transaction was sent… a successful ether transfer!

Sending a Raw Transaction

Sending a raw transaction means signing a transaction with a private key on the Rust side, rather than on the node. The node then forwards this transactions to the Ethereum network.

The ethereum-tx-sign library can help us with this off-chain signing, but it not easy to use alongside rust-web3 because of a lack of shared structs. In this section of the guide I'll explain getting these libraries to play nicely together.

Additional Libraries Used

The ethereum-tx-sign library depends on the ethereum-types library when constructing a RawTransaction. We also use the hex library to convert a hexadecimal private key into bytes.

Add these entries to your cargo.toml file:

ethereum-tx-sign = "0.0.2"
ethereum-types = "0.4"
hex = "0.3.1"

You can then add them to your crate:

extern crate ethereum_tx_sign;
extern crate ethereum_types;
extern crate hex;

Signing the Transaction

The ethereum_tx_sign libraries contain a RawTransaction struct that we can use to sign an Ethereum transaction once initialized. It's the initialization that's the tricky part, as we need to convert between the rust-web3 and ethereum_types structs.

Some conversion functions can convert H160 (for Ethereum account addresses) and U256 (for the nonce value) structs from the web3::types returned by rust-web3 functions to theethereum_types expected by ethereum-tx-sign:

fn convert_u256(value: web3::types::U256) -> U256 {
    let web3::types::U256(ref arr) = value;
    let mut ret = [0; 4];
    ret[0] = arr[0];
    ret[1] = arr[1];

fn convert_account(value: web3::types::H160) -> H160 {
    let ret = H160::from(value.0);

We can now construct a RawTransaction object (replace the code beneath let balance_before):

let nonce = web3.eth().transaction_count(accounts[0], None).wait().unwrap();

let tx = RawTransaction {
    nonce: convert_u256(nonce),
    to: Some(convert_account(accounts[1])),
    value: U256::from(10000),
    gas_price: U256::from(1000000000),
    gas: U256::from(21000),
    data: Vec::new()

Note that the nonce is not automatically calculated when constructing a RawTransaction. We need to get the nonce for the sending account by calling the transaction_count function in the Eth namespace. This value subsequently needs to be converted, to be in the format that RawTransaction expects.

Unlike in the TransactionRequest struct, we must also provide some sensible gas and gas_price values manually.

Obtaining a Private Key

Before signing, we need to have access to a private key that is used to sign. In this example we hard code the private key of the first ETH populated account in ganache (remember to start with the -d argument). This is ok for testing, but you should never expose a private key in a production environment!

fn get_private_key() -> H256 {
    // Remember to change the below
    let private_key = hex::decode(

    return H256(to_array(private_key.as_slice()));

fn to_array(bytes: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] {
    let mut array = [0; 32];
    let bytes = &bytes[..array.len()];

The hex:decode function converts a hexadecimal string (make sure to remove the 0x prefix) into a Vec<u8> but the sign function of RawTransction takes a private key in ethereum_types::H256 format. Unfortunately, the H256 takes a [u8; 32] rather than a Vec<T> during construction so we need to do another conversion!

The private key is passed to to_array as a slice, and this slice is then converted to a [u8: 32].


Now that we have a function that returns a private key in the correct format, we can sign the transaction by calling:

let signed_tx = tx.sign(&get_private_key());

Sending the Transaction

After signing, broadcasting the transaction to the Ethereum network is also a one-liner:

let tx_hash = web3.eth().send_raw_transaction(Bytes::from(signed_tx)).wait().unwrap()

Note, we have to perform another conversion here! The send_raw_transaction takes a Bytes value as the argument, whereas the sign function of RawTransaction returns a Vec<u8>. Luckily, this conversion is easy as the Bytes struct has a From trait out of the box to convert from a Vec<u8>.

Like the send_transaction equivalent, this function returns a Future, which in turn returns a Result object containing the transaction hash of the broadcast transaction on completion.

Putting it all Together

extern crate web3;
extern crate ethereum_tx_sign;
extern crate ethereum_types;
extern crate hex;

use web3::futures::Future;
use web3::types::Bytes;
use ethereum_tx_sign::RawTransaction;
use ethereum_types::{H160,H256,U256};

fn main() {
    let (_eloop, transport) = web3::transports::Http::new("http://localhost:8545").unwrap();

    let web3 = web3::Web3::new(transport);
    let accounts = web3.eth().accounts().wait().unwrap();

    let balance_before = web3.eth().balance(accounts[1], None).wait().unwrap();

    let nonce = web3.eth().transaction_count(accounts[0], None).wait().unwrap();

    let tx = RawTransaction {
        nonce: convert_u256(nonce),
        to: Some(convert_account(accounts[1])),
        value: U256::from(10000),
        gas_price: U256::from(1000000000),
        gas: U256::from(21000),
        data: Vec::new()

    let signed_tx = tx.sign(&get_private_key());

    let tx_hash = web3.eth().send_raw_transaction(Bytes::from(signed_tx)).wait().unwrap();

    let balance_after = web3.eth().balance(accounts[1], None).wait().unwrap();

    println!("TX Hash: {:?}", tx_hash);
    println!("Balance before: {}", balance_before);
    println!("Balance after: {}", balance_after);

fn get_private_key() -> H256 {
    let private_key = hex::decode(

    return H256(to_array(private_key.as_slice()));

fn convert_u256(value: web3::types::U256) -> U256 {
    let web3::types::U256(ref arr) = value;
    let mut ret = [0; 4];
    ret[0] = arr[0];
    ret[1] = arr[1];

fn convert_account(value: web3::types::H160) -> H160 {
    let ret = H160::from(value.0);

fn to_array(bytes: &[u8]) -> [u8; 32] {
    let mut array = [0; 32];
    let bytes = &bytes[..array.len()];


In this tutorial we learned how to send a basic Ether value transfer transaction from one account to another using Rust. We explained two signing approaches: signing on a node by an unlocked account, and signing a transaction on the Rust side.

The full source code covered in this guide is available on GitHub here.

This is just scratching the surface of Ethereum transaction sending, and in a future tutorial I will walk you through sending transactions that manipulate data within an Ethereum smart contract. Watch this space!