Getting Started With Machine Learning (Non practitioner guide)
In the recent years, machine learning has made a comeback into everybody's conversations. From the classrooms in Stanford or MIT, to movies like HER or Ex-Machina, AI is not just permeating all our lives but also our imagination.
But as a developer, how can you start dipping your toes in AI, understand it and possibly change the world with it?
That's what this guide is for, a quick intro from a non-practitioner for non-practitioners :)
We'll install the basic tools required, download some datasets from Kaggle and have some machine learning fun! The guide will be Linux based but links will be provided to alternative instructions when required.
Here's a breakdown of the different articles:
Supervised Learning
- Installing Anaconda, Python3 and Tensorflow
- Regression with Python, Keras and Tensorflow
- Predict cryptocurrency prices with Tensorflow as binary classification problem
- Multi-class classification example with Convolutional Neural Network in Keras and Tensorflow
More articles (more supervised learning, unsupervised and reinforcement learning) will be coming soon!
- Kauri original title: Getting Started With Machine Learning (Non practitioner guide)
- Kauri original link:
- Kauri original author: Davide Scalzo (@davidescalzo)
- Kauri original Publication date: 2019-11-07
- Kauri original tags: artificial-intelligence, machine-learning, python, anaconda
- Kauri original hash: QmV1pNK3Z57XfjudSUfeXsDATWBKJPmruX4ysoerbiEfhz
- Kauri original checkpoint: QmUP9qZg9vxiTYmDyCRfVzpyYLQbtd6r3GAM7CyqCFhShv