Get started with ZeppelinOS!

To help you get prepared for all the hacking at #ETHDenver this year, we wanted to put together a quick toolkit to help you get hacking as quickly and easily (and securely!) as possible.

We are offering some sweet bounties this year so check them out as well!


First- want to get started fast? Like REALLY fast? Get ZepKit everything you need to get up and hacking, like, RIGHT NOW.


We have plenty of resources for you to learn how to use ZepKit and OpenZeppelin's Secure Audited Smart Contracts.


ZeppelinOS is an open-source, distributed platform of tools and services on top of the EVM


Introducing ZepKit: the easiest way to start your decentralized application

OpenZeppelin open-source framework:

OpenZeppelin: OpenZeppelin is an open-source framework to build secure smart contracts

How to implement ERC20 supply mechanisms

Learn about EVM packages with ZeppelinOS

Building Blocks: What makes a good EVM package?

EVM package deployment with ZeppelinOS-Part I

EVM package deployment with ZeppelinOS-Part II

EVM package deployment with ZeppelinOS-Part III

A Gentle Introduction to Ethereum Programming, Part 1

A Gentle Introduction to Ethereum Programming, Part 2


You are not alone! Team Zeppelin will be at the hackathon! You will recognize us in our snazzy Zeppelin shirts! We are going to be there to support you, the hackers, so feel free to ask us questions!

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