EGGE.GG Instant Payout eSports Tournaments For ETHDenver2019


The Future Of Esports Competition

Team Members: ID for Each Team Member (we will use this to contact you and your team)

Detailed Project Description (no more than 3-4 sentences):

Describe your tech stack (e.g., protocols, languages, API’s, etc.):

We're using Kotlin w/ Springboot to host the backend (With a Mongo database). All the offchain data is stored there as well as mirroring of the on chain data.

The frontend is calls out to the database with user information as well as utilizing Web3js to call a smart contract that is deployed for each tournament instance. We're utilizing Skale as a layer 2 solution for cheaper transaction fees.

User onboarding is done using Blocknative which allows us to receive the basic information about the user (public address) from there we allow the user to interact with the dapp until he or she wants to engage in a tournament (organize or register). The user must then provide extra metadata.

Once the winners of the tournament are selected by the organizer, a transaction is fired off to the smart contract with the winners' public addresses. The winners then should get their payouts.

For a tournament to run, we only use two transactions with the blockchain. 1. fund the contract 2. transfer the funds to the winner. This helps keep the transaction fees even cheaper for our users!


All Bounties Completed/Incorporated: