Retrieving an Ethereum Account Balance in Web3j

Balance at Current Block

To obtain the balance of an account in java with web3j at the current block, the following code snippet can be used:

//Connect to node.
//Defaults to http://localhost:8545
Web3j web3 = HttpService());

//Get balance result synchronously
EthGetBalance balanceResult = web3.ethGetBalance("0xF0f15Cedc719B5A55470877B0710d5c7816916b1", 

//Obtain the BigInteger balance representation, in the wei unit.
BigInteger balanceInWei = balanceResult.getBalance();

Balance at a Specific Block

The below code snippet will obtain the account balance at block 300000:

Web3j web3 = HttpService());

EthGetBalance balanceResult = web3.ethGetBalance("0xF0f15Cedc719B5A55470877B0710d5c7816916b1", 
new DefaultBlockParameterNumber(300000)).send();

BigInteger balanceInWei = balanceResult.getBalance();

Balances are returned in the smallest denomination, called wei. To convert to other denominations, such as ether, see this cheetsheet article.