Bears, Bulls, & Bufficorns

Project Name

Bears, Bulls, & Bufficorns

Project Tagline/Description (140 Characters Max. Will be used on table card for judging)

3 legendary forces battle for crypto world domination - but who will be victorious? Place your bets in this Celer Network multiplayer game.

Team Members. First and Last Names

Xavier Ekkel, James Simpson ID for Each Team Member (we will use this to contact you and your team)

Xavier Ekkel: 0x0469e3bc89f72368b2b531b513209de75734a1212dc18f8d9f6082451e71e7a97dfd0441f3e3826119ebf69297b844e24643596a712ebb65ad9747a9b4f232e595 James Simpson: 0x04a48ba0d54c5c3d62ede68f4818fbe3961f408dbe25afc5d369e433bb0bc7bb57d15b131fffd3290583eaabaf766793c968c427a61733fe8efe865bda7a15d627

Detailed Project Description (no more than 3-4 sentences)

Bears, Bulls, & Bufficorns is an online multiplayer JavaScript game running entirely on the Celer Network via the Celer SDK.

The game involves state exchange between the two Celer clients, and conditional payment functionality (as the losing player automatically sends ETH to the winner).

Describe your tech stack (e.g., protocols, languages, API’s, etc.)

Celer SDK + JavaScript/HTML/CSS

Track for which you’re submitting (Open or Impact)


All Bounties Completed/Incorporated

Celer Network - Sponsor Bounty at ETHDenver 2019! (cGamer, cInnovator, cBUIDLer)