Build on Aragon
Build on Aragon
You can find all the information and tutorials on how to build on Aragon in the Aragon Developer Portal and the community and team are available for helping out at the Aragon Chat in the #dev-help channel.
Your first Aragon app tutorial - This guide is a walk-through for creating your first Aragon app using aragonOS, aragon.js, Aragon UI and Aragon CLI.
AragonOS - aragonOS is a smart contract development framework with a very strong focus on governance and upgradeability
Aragon.js - A Javascript library to interact with aragonOS by handling transaction pathing, upgradeability and state of the contracts.
Aragon UI - Aragon UI is an Aragon-native toolkit of UI components for decentralized apps. It will make your app look consistent with the whole look of the Aragon client, in a way that it will not even look like the user is running apps from different developers. However, it is not mandatory to create an Aragon app.
Aragon CLI - Aragon CLI is a tool for creating, testing and publishing Aragon applications.
- Kauri original title: Build on Aragon
- Kauri original link:
- Kauri original author: null (@sinamahmoodi)
- Kauri original Publication date: 2018-09-04
- Kauri original tags: none
- Kauri original hash: QmeCSKaxLsiM2FhPTKYb8LdmSm6NhskdEWwpB2nvcgjdYE
- Kauri original checkpoint: QmUP9qZg9vxiTYmDyCRfVzpyYLQbtd6r3GAM7CyqCFhShv