title: Deploying ENS summary: {blocks--{key-f36s1,text-If you’d like to deploy ENS on your own network, or deploy your own copy of ENS on a public network, this guide shows you how. If you want to use an existing ENS deployment, read Interacting with the ENS registry instead. If you want to register a name on the Ropsten (testnet) ENS deployment, read Registering a name with the FIFS registrar or Registering a name with the auction registrar.,type-unstyled,depth-0,inlineStyleRanges-,entityRanges--{offset-179,length-33,key-0} authors: - Kauri Team (@kauri) date: 2018-05-03 some_url:
Deploying ENS
- Kauri original title: Deploying ENS
- Kauri original link: https://kauri.io/deploying-ens/d87b7351f4274e3e8d4d40018a5c0a5b/a
- Kauri original author: Kauri Team (@kauri)
- Kauri original Publication date: 2018-05-03
- Kauri original tags: none
- Kauri original hash: QmQ1wgadM5nh3mVRqWLFKFN5pReEwiGvFrC9fnUggVptUM
- Kauri original checkpoint: QmRS3wCLX2MRi62bg9NTM89qNkgm3XjpKXciLvCKAr1f1g