Project Name
- ETHBackpack
Project Tagline/Description (140 Characters Max. Will be used on table card for judging)
- Live, on main-net chain, IT certifications and degrees. Show you have certificates such as CCNA, AWS Certificate, Certified Bitcoin Professional with an ETH Wallet address.
Team Members. First and Last Names
- Josh Forman
- Peter Hendrick
- Ron Stoner
- Sean Martin ID for Each Team Member (we will use this to contact you and your team)
- Ron Stoner: 'Stoner'
- Josh Forman: 'JJArrow'
Detailed Project Description (no more than 3-4 sentences)
- ETHBackpack can allow companies that distribute professional certificates on the Ethereum blockchain. Contract deployed on main net.
- Individuals seeking employment or contract work can show their credentials in a public, verifiable way.
- Employers seeking to hire professionals could potentially search for applicants that have the certs they want. They can also verify that an applicant has the certificate they wanted.
Describe your tech stack (e.g., protocols, languages, API’s, etc.)
- Front End: - React - JavaScript
- Back End: - Node.js - Web3 - MetaMask - Open Zeppelin
Track for which you’re submitting (Open or Impact)
- Open track
All Bounties Completed/Incorporated
- Zeppelin
A link to all your source code on a public repo (i.e. Github)
- Kauri original title: ETHBackpack
- Kauri original link:
- Kauri original author: null (@null)
- Kauri original Publication date: 2019-02-17
- Kauri original tags: ethdenver-2019-submission, bounty-salt-2019, bounty-zeppelin-2019
- Kauri original hash: QmVZALLQsy1M1SFVCQFbbzyTBsGkju5ANrG3vCYFh2nGM2
- Kauri original checkpoint: QmUP9qZg9vxiTYmDyCRfVzpyYLQbtd6r3GAM7CyqCFhShv