Go to Market NOW with the Wyre Widget/API BUIDL

The Wyre Team is excited about our ETHDenver debut! We’ve been hitting the hackathon circuit hard since we launched our go-to-market product, The Wyre Widget.

Since then, we coordinated our own hackathon with the team at MakerDAO last fall which had outstanding attendance. We also made a big showing at ETHSF. It’s been a ton of fun and we're proud to help hackers with all of the boring stuff like accepting payment methods, compliance, liquidity etc. #buidl We have two different products that are tailor made for DApp developers

Here are some snapshots of the great times we’ve had with our hacker community!

We want to thank everyone in advance for participating in the hackathon, it will be truly invigorating to see all the teams working hard on some next-level ideas and we’re encouraged to see the ecosystem in the capable hands of some pretty smart builders.