Project Name -
Project Tagline/Description (140 Characters Max. Will be used on table card for judging)-
Creating insurance identities that last
Team Members. First and Last Name
- Daniel Wanja
- William Sterlin
- Konstantin Papkovskiy
- Alexandra Gardner ID for Each Team Member (we will use this to contact you and your team)
DanielWanja 0x04dfb6eb7fe15070ba346eea55882a924d2a8757553ddd125cf1d47284565644e017e6a13b5bd92671cd3ca425b59bd75d2ac6508a26dea323294f49ba20b418b4
William Sterlin - 0x049e0c70d6ed298dde0b126f24a484375aa2d65f2ea493b0c0eb8306f59dcbac4455d6dbf7b7872dcff10136b536e00dd2be96c7b0cede470a3fedd28598bcf584
Konstantin Papkovskiy - 0x0419ab250ebcebf97a0716162336b2ee53b9b0d7d6d953915380cb098f031704b245e712554ce9f34bfc48d47cd8bb8dfda4509a12c5d6476492ec616ac8587c0a
Alexandra Gardner - 0x045732a0bbdbc0ea6d88055f18d14371234226bc7cde1cd618dc235056049d7c8d00e33bb3785b72dd4e7ed8541cdda2b429d0b75b1f335b58e08b88edd0e23505
Detailed Project Description (no more than 3-4 sentences)- ).
Indure is a blockchain insurance identity platform using Uport as the infrastructure to support identities for employees (injured workers), their employers (policyholders) and insurance carriers (injured worker compensation) to share and verify credentials and allow for injured workers to get treated and served immediately without the hassle of having to cover costs up front.
Describe your tech stack (e.g., protocols, languages, API’s, etc.) -
- Angular
- Ionic
- Uport
- Firebase
Track for which you’re submitting (Open or Impact) -
All Bounties Completed/Incorporated -
Ideas By Nature
A link to all your source code on a public repo (i.e. Github)-
- Kauri original title: indure
- Kauri original link:
- Kauri original author: Alexandra Gardner (@gardnera)
- Kauri original Publication date: 2019-02-17
- Kauri original tags: ethdenver-2019-submission, bounty-ideasbynature-2019
- Kauri original hash: QmQrZTywBPH9L2PPyPP6pqx8hTLCwdoU9soMMRxni653s7
- Kauri original checkpoint: QmRS3wCLX2MRi62bg9NTM89qNkgm3XjpKXciLvCKAr1f1g