Kauri Importer Guidelines
Kauri importer
Guidelines on importing to markdown in Kauri. The imported article will not be set as the canonical URL.
Importing your documentation to Kauri
Link to the tool: https://import.beta.kauri.io
Link to the beta: https://beta.kauri.io
Link to website: https://kauri.io
Step 1: Ensure you are logged into Kauri
Step 2: input your Medium user profile or publication URL, and click 'GET ARTICLES'
- (1) Medium user profile (e.g. 'https://medium.com/@kauri_io')
- (2) Medium publication (e.g. 'https://blog.kauri.io')
- (3) Single Medium article (e.g. 'https://media.consensys.net/the-forgotten-side-of-decentralization-f713aaa8c8b4')
Step 3: select which articles you would like to import to draft on Kauri, and click 'IMPORT'
- the selected articles will then be imported, and once complete, can be viewed in Kauri in the 'Draft' section of the 'Manage' tab of your Kauri profile. The importer will redirect you to your profile once complete.
Step 4: we highly suggest reviewing your imported draft articles via Kauri's 'preview' feature to ensure the article's HTML to Markdown conversion was completed successfully
To publish, once you've previewed your content and ensured the formatting is correct, simply click 'PUBLISH ARTICLE' located in the top right of the page
Things to be aware of
- The tool will import tweets and embedded youtube videos; if you use another video hosting service, such as vimeo, please update the links to your embedded videos in the Kauri editor when the article is in draft stage
- Importing a large amount of articles can take up to 15-20 minutes
- Kauri original title: Kauri Importer Guidelines
- Kauri original link: https://kauri.io/kauri-importer-guidelines/15673b4f86da49f5aed621696499c662/a
- Kauri original author: Wil Barnes (@wil)
- Kauri original Publication date: 2019-04-27
- Kauri original tags: kauri, medium
- Kauri original hash: QmchXxowgqTjCtbt99cpxmqFAgKhuN3gGPPGhxgC8kau8d
- Kauri original checkpoint: QmZSRFGq9bnBLosiVwSTANrDR9YdXbWkwG71aw35jAjyLo