Project Name
Project Tagline/Description (140 Characters Max. Will be used on table card for judging)
Make Solidity Great! (again)
Team Members. First and Last Names
Levi Morris, Tara Regan ID for Each Team Member (we will use this to contact you and your team)
Levi Morris: Lightsalmon Lightseagreen Tragopan Tara Regan: Respectful Trained Pupfish
Detailed Project Description (no more than 3-4 sentences)
This project is a low level functional library written for Solidity that includes functions that are designed to save the time of building with multiple, complex loops when writing a Solidity contract. It is written as a separate contract that is deployed to the blockchain and callable by any other contract on the Ethereum chain. We plan to continue to add to and maintain this library to provide better functionality to everyone writing in Solidity.
Describe your tech stack (e.g., protocols, languages, API’s, etc.)
We wrote this library on Solidity, with Solidity, using ZeppelinOS and Truffle. We tested the library with Solidity and Javascript.
Track for which you’re submitting (Open or Impact)
All Bounties Completed/Incorporated
Zeppelin Bounty 1- Best EVM Package Zeppelin Bounty 2- Best usage of Zeppelin tools (OpenZeppelin & ZeppelinOS)
A link to all your source code on a public repo (i.e. Github)
- Kauri original title: Lambdeth
- Kauri original link:
- Kauri original author: Tara Regan (@squeakattack)
- Kauri original Publication date: 2019-02-17
- Kauri original tags: ethdenver-2019-submission, zeppelin-best-usage-of-zeppelin-tools, zeppelin-best-evm-package, zeppelin
- Kauri original hash: QmcZjng8JJ7gFzSdqBsBKKH9z9VieN8fjsf7dkY2XKpwuB
- Kauri original checkpoint: Qmekp5iiDi5N5M4KdtAVGBEJEF3ahMgWYZJqL7s1qmkQ9g