A Leader Board created using The Graph of Status NIcknames generated using Formatic login for community voting using ERC20 tokens, built with OpenZeppelin ZepKit. ID for Each Team Member
[Edmund Miller] (
Detailed Project Description
In our day jobs, we created a Dapp that utilized Status-JS and a by product is the random generation of Status nicknames, two adjectives and an animal. Our team found some of the names amusing and wanted to create a leader board for the nicknames using ERC20s for voting. More importantly, we wanted an excuse to play around with ZepKit, The Graph and Formatic. We kept the logic behind the Dapp simple so we could finish a working Dapp by the weekend, and made the implimentation complicated by merging all of these exciting tools together, so we can learn to use them in our Dapps in the future. Lastly, we had to build a status extension so the leader board can be viewed.
Describe your tech stack (e.g., protocols, languages, API’s, etc.)
- ZepKit
- Solidity
- ZeppelinOS
- React
- Fortmatic
- The Graph
- GraphQL
- StatusJS
- Apollo
- edn
- Status extension
Track for which you’re submitting (Open or Impact)
All Bounties Completed/Incorporated
- Zeppelin
- Fortmatic Inc.
- The Graph
GitHub Links
Contracts & The Graph
- Kauri original title: Proof-of-Opossum
- Kauri original link:
- Kauri original author: Edmund Miller (@emiller88)
- Kauri original Publication date: 2019-02-17
- Kauri original tags: ethdenver-2019-submission, fortmatic-inc-, zepkit, zkproofs, status-im, the-graph, status
- Kauri original hash: QmbYyPCRNLKaDixkbUAYAnWp8BLCKS5iFRtgBWYPq8xMFS
- Kauri original checkpoint: QmSRv329t5c2hpHHf1Yz4XZomqgeBc8LVh9KNJC9z4PVDS