Stash (IPFS Browser Integration)

Project Name

IPFS Stash


Project Tagline/Description (140 Characters Max. Will be used on table card for judging)

Local IPFS for everyone. Manage files in your browser with a single click. #massadoption


Team Members. First and Last Names

Katy Jeremko, Nico Valencia

. ID for Each Team Member (we will use this to contact you and your team)

Nico: 0x0484643bd0284e69a539d02a0b2c04eca30f7ae49e3d85549a2b1392ea9c98a28dfa8a5aa32f32bb0525b85aee152fcc7b424004391296ee1cf35672e3d75a03ac

Katy: 0x04e84ccca347f4fb61453cb140bc1b4cc3633d7769bc159bf815830a266d0e483189ba300d600e3420af744f2c0413eebff55c5595a20607a962fff4ac617a6045


Detailed Project Description (no more than 3-4 sentences)

IPFS Stash is a working chrome extension for easily adding and managing files on a local IPFS node (and therefore the IPFS network). We focused on the user experience first, imagining how a typical internet user might benefit from IPFS, without actually managing anything about the protocol. This project aims to help make the decentralized ecosystem more accessible, especially impacting low internet connected or highly censored communities.


Describe your tech stack (e.g., protocols, languages, API’s, etc.)

IPFS, React.js based Chrome Extension environment. The extension interfaces directly with a local (Siderus Orion) IPFS node, allowing seamless integration into all webpages (both web2 and web3).


Track for which you’re submitting (Open or Impact)



All Bounties Completed/Incorporated

