Using Kauri Communities

Kauri Communities are designed to allow any number of participants to collaborate on the creation and curation of content around a specific topic.

Creating a Community

Congratulations, you've decided to create a Community!

First, you need to decide on a name, description, and tags for your community (to help users find you), and an icon image. These are all required to create a community. You can choose to include a URL, Twitter account, GitHub link, and a background image.

Create community screen

You have the option of inviting initial moderators and other admins to the community. You can do this at any time in the future.

To start the creation process, select the “Create Community” button in the upper right hand corner, and use your web3-enabled browser to sign the message (a meta-transaction) that pops up. This creates your Community’s smart contract on the POA Network sidechain. This smart contract holds the address and roles of your Community’s moderators and admins, and is essentially a permissions manager.

Once you submit the signature, you’re Community is created! It typically takes ~5 seconds for the creation transaction to be published, but may take slightly longer depending on network congestion.

Now you can start adding content to the community

Adding Articles

There are two ways to add articles to a community.

Add Existing Articles

You can add existing articles by selecting Add Content on the Community home page. If you’re familiar with adding articles to collections, the process is similar. The differences being you must select one article to add at a time, and you can only select from articles you’ve written yourself. After choosing an article, you are asked to sign a message transferring the article to the Community.

Select content to add

Note: Transferring an article to a Community allows any admins or moderators to make edits and publish changes to it. If you wrote and published the article originally, you are still credited as the author, but no longer have exclusive control over its’ content.

Publish New Articles Directly

You can publish articles directly to a Community. To do this, start writing an article, and when you publish, select the Community in the dropdown.

Publish to community dropdown

Adding Collections

Currently, you can only add new collections to a Community. The process is similar to publishing new articles to a Community, in that you can choose to add the collection directly to a Community after selecting “Publish Collection”.

Curating articles not owned by a moderator or admin

You can use collections to curate content from any author on Kauri, not just moderators and admins. To do so, select "All Articles" in the "Add Article" widget, and then select or use the search bar to find content you want to add.

Adding articles to a collection

Curating the Community Home Page

To help readers explore your content, you can curate a home page for you Community to replace the default “Articles” view. You can organize the page into sections with headers, which can contain the Community’s articles and collections. The flow should be familiar if you’ve created a collection before.

To update the home page, select “Update Community”. Next, add a name to the first section (required), and a description (optional).

Now you can add any article or collection that is owned by the Community to the section, or add a new section!

Add section to community

When you’re happy, select “Update Community” in the upper right hand corner.

Inviting Moderators

To get some help with content creation and curation, you can invite moderators to your Community. Moderators are able to add articles and collections, and edit existing articles and collections. They cannot edit your Community’s metadata, invite or manage new moderators or admins, or edit the home page.

To invite moderators, select the “+” button under “Moderators” on the right hand side of the Community page, or open to the “Manage Community” tab and select “Invite Member”.

Invite new moderator

Next, enter the desired recipient’s email address, and their role (Moderator or Admin). We strongly encourage you both limit the number of admins, and only choose admins you know and trust well, as they have many more privileges than moderators.

Once you’ve invited a moderator, you can see their status in the “Manage Community” tab under “Invited”.

Managing Moderators and Admins

In addition to inviting moderators to your Community, you can also promote them to Admin, and remove them.

You can find these functions in the “Manage Community” tab of the Community page, then in “Manage Members”.

Moderators are the backbone of Kauri Communities. As a moderator, you can write articles and publish them to the Community pages, curate collections for the Community, and make edits and updates to existing Community articles and collections.

If you've received an invitation to join a Community, follow the instructions below. If not, get started by suggesting some edits to a Community's current articles, and get recognized by the admins.

Accepting an Invitation

If you’ve received an email invitation to join a Community, first, click on the link in the email. You are redirected to Kauri, and see the option to “Accept” or “Reject” the invitation.

Accept invitation