Rhombus has your oracle needs covered at ETHDenver

New Releases

We have a few piping hot development treats this week, just in time for developers to unleash their creativity at the ETHDenver hackathon:

  1. Rhombus will unveil a Truffle Box that lets you test against our oracles in your local environment: https://github.com/RhombusNetwork/lighthouse-local

  2. We will provide lighthouse oracle contracts that you can read to inject quality data into your project's contracts: https://blog.rhombus.network/BUIDL-Resources

  3. If you come to our booth, we can even build you a custom oracle to match your project needs.

Learn more about these developments here.

And we have bounties for ETHDenver

These prizes will be awarded for best oracle usage...

First place: $1,000

Second place: $750

Third place: $500

Fourth place: $250

Honorable mentions ... see "Additional Info" below

How to register your project to qualify for bounties:

Send a message to @rhombusCEO on Telegram with your name, project, and oracle you're gonna use.

Github: https://github.com/RhombusNetwork

Technical docs: https://docs.rhombus.network

Example Lighthouse oracle (ETH/USD): https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x7ce662974fbb9b590c60dbf99f078120405ff0b9#readContract

We’ll release several additional oracles as the hackathon approaches and can add custom oracles for your dapp upon request.

Additional Information

The first 15 projects that register with us and commit to using a Rhombus oracle in their dapp will receive $100, even if they don't place in the top 4 - as long as they successfully complete a dapp and integrate one of our oracles. Projects after the first 15 will receive a spot on our waitlist, and if any of the first 15 projects aren't able to successfully build dapps integrating Rhombus oracles, their $100 will be allocated to the waitlisted teams in order.

About us

Rhombus provides the most reliable and efficient oracle platform on the market today. We connect your smart contract with real-world metrics. Access custom off-chain computing and the industry's highest-grade security. No matter what data your decentralized application needs, Rhombus has you covered.

Learn more

To understand the Rhombus API, read about our activation/delivery methods, and explore detailed examples with code, please visit http://docs.rhombus.network/#rhombus-api-reference