Using Kauri at the ETHDenver Hackathon

If you're getting started with your project and are looking for information on technology sponsors and how to use them, then we have a special collection prepared for you where you can also find out what bounties and prizes sponsors are offering to Hackathon participants.

Submitting your Project

Create an Account

You need Metamask to create content on Kauri, add it to your browser first, and if you've not used Metamask before, we have a tutorial to get you started.

Set MetaMask to the "Rinkeby" network when using Kauri.

Set Metamask network

Click the Sign In button beneath the profile picture in the top right, and click Sign on the MetaMask popup to complete the process (this is not a transaction, and doesn't cost you any ETH).

Sign in with Metamask

While not required, adding profile details gives readers extra details about you, and adds a username to your articles. Kauri keeps your email address private, and we use it for notifications.

Create Submission

On the Kauri homepage, click the SUBMIT PROJECT button in the "ETHDenver Submissions" section, or open the link directly.

Fill out the template submission, leaving the headings as they are, and don't remove the "ETHDENVER-2019-SUBMISSION" tag below the heading. Feel free to add any other sections, sub sections or tags you need. Click PUBLISH ARTICLE when you've finished, or save it as a draft if edits are still in progress.

Editing Existing Submissions

You can make changes to your submission up until the Hackathon deadline, 8am Mountain Time on Sunday 2/17/2019. You can find your submission from your profile page, or in the ETHDenver submissions collection. Click Update Article, make your changes, and then click PUBLISH ARTICLE to publish any changes.


Any questions, come to the Kauri booth at the top of the stairs near the main stage. Or message us on Status