
Project Name


Project Tagline/Description (140 Characters Max. Will be used on table card for judging)

MS-blockchain-protocol allows users to interact with Ethereum smart contracts using SMS. With this technology, you can access the Ethereum blockchain without wifi or a 3G/LTE data plan connection, as long as you have basic cell phone service.

Team Members. First and Last Names

Aaron Anderson David Bruno Sam Steele Daniel Novikov ID for Each Team Member (we will use this to contact you and your team)

Aaron Anderson 0x0443c23d7fcc05dd364b2eb5f984475a1aec104b419cb8ecbb57cb6f2558c8f1825c6a989db6904b6079749e1b898bb7b035471d9811e2b3f4dd1ab1b6a7ab1084

David Bruno 0x04a989d32ce5a3b938d0c669ac2d98c1e5574e600995ea1c8114352bc5ea72f12eaab0cffa975dfbb0d5e552afba94e4cf4bbbbb4e183cb975bb29824ea682a0a9

Sam Steele 0x046d913016805966a06f031f4adbd7e2507f566a9c6ee4befb8ef2fab30000e6275fa9c8ccef4926e0ca5117a9fb622a228bab034fc22740bab1c97cc63071d5d4

Daniel Novikov 0x04dc6cf40f6af502b3806a10103b6a3f4134afa07b3fa496cafec28e0d48757578e58ac52b23eaec3fdd66ccf7d14e62c3e7fd283da731c10b7f83326c5d5bd2c1

Detailed Project Description (no more than 3-4 sentences)

MS-blockchain-protocol provides SMS interaction with Ethereum Smart Contracts. It lets you read and make changes to the blockchain by sending SMS messages from your phone. It also lets you interact with other Blockchain Service Providers' API's.

Describe your tech stack (e.g., protocols, languages, API’s, etc.)

Node.js, Twilio, Express, Web3, Rinkeby

Track for which you’re submitting (Open or Impact)


All Bounties Completed/Incorporated

Shapeshift, Coincap, Rhombus, POA